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GTVA Rules

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Within all organisations there are rules in place that govern the way it is run and what it expected of it's members. The GTVA is no exception. Rules give us boundaries and parameters to work with, establish feasibility overally and in general make the organisation and game more enjoyable to play.

2.0 Attitude and Opinion

2.1 All members are expected to show an interest in the alliance and dedicate a reasonable amount of time to it. This includes regular interaction on the forums and in game.

2.2 Speaking down or bad mouthing the alliance is not tolerated and will result in those involved being labelled a traitor and enemy of the alliance.

3.0 General Behaviour

3.1 Behaviour deemed inappropriate affects the reputation of the alliance and it's members. Behaviour such as inappropriate verbal or written attacks on alliance members is not allowed.

3.2 Cursing to a level deemed appropriate by Council members is permitted on the forums when it's not in the context of an attack or slander of an alliance member. Remarks or comments likely to offend are not permitted.

4.0 Activity
4.1 All members are required to remain active to be a part of the GTVA. Members that become inactive (by seven days) in the game and forums will be removed from the alliance.

4.2 If it becomes known to a member they will be inactive for more than four days, it is recommended they post leave of absence on the forums in a new thread under Internal Alliance Discussions.

4.3 Members who place their accounts in vacation mode in the game will be acknowledged as being on leave with permission and will not be disbanded from the alliance, however it is still highly recommended section 4.2 be followed.
5.0 Chain of Command (Authority)

5.1 The chain of command is the authority structure within the alliance. It is composed of positions and ranks.

5.2 It works on the concept that:

5.3 Positions holds a greater authority over rank. For example if two members hold the same rank, the member with the higher position holds greater authority. If two members hold the same rank and position (or no position) they are of the same authority.

5.4 Directions or requests placed by a person of greater authority should be followed and completed with respect. Directions or requests place by a person of lower authority, even though of lower authority, should be concidered for action appropriately with respect.

5.5 A direction or request may be overruled by a person with greater authority of the person who first issued them. In addition, the GTVA Council may overule any decision as it have the greatest authority.

6.0 GTVA Ruling Council (Also known at GTVA Council)

6.1 The GTVA Council is composed of the Director from each alliance branch as well as:

    • President of the Ruling Council
    • Vasudan Consulate of the Ruling Council

6.2 This council holds the highest authority and can overule any decision made by single person of authority. The council can also overule any decision by a single Director.

6.3 The council also has the responsibility of:

    • Selecting new Directors
    • Dismissing existing Directors
    • Assigning seperate tasks to personnel

6.4 Deputy or Sub Directors are not involved in the council and are elected by the the Branch Director. However if felt, the council is still able to overrule the decision.

6.5 Official Council decisions are based on a majority vote by council members.

6.6 However a single Council member may take on the authority of the entire Council for security or emergencies. Abuse of this power however may result in disciplinary action upon that member by a group decision by the council, excluding the member in question.

7.0 Diplomatic Relations

7.1 The GTVA has three types of diplomatic relations:

    • Alliance/Ally
    • Non-Agression Pact (NAP)
    • Enemy

7.2 The Directory responsible for diplomatic matters leads most diplomatic matters and can accept new diplomatic agreements with other alliances without the consult of the council. However only the council can terminate relations.

7.3 Any relation that is either Ally or NAP must be acknowledged by the alliance and other party on the front page within 48 hours of agreements or the agreement may be withdrawn by either party.

7.4 No attacks of any description including spy attacks may be conducted in either Ally or NAP relation. On breach of this agreement by a GTVA member, they are required to return any stollen resources and repay for damages unless otherwised agreed. On breach of the agreement by the other party the Director in charge of Diplomatic relations should contact the other party's diplomatic leader, alliance leader or the offending member and request repayment. A breach may also result in termination of the agreement on the council's recommendation.

7.5 The relation of enemy can only be granted by the council, not the Director incharge of diplomatic relations alone. When the label of enemy is given, the alliance may or may not advertise this relation. If a war is declared, OGame rules take first precedence.

8.0 Attack Restrictions

8.1 An "attack" herein will be defined as the sending of one or more fleets in an offensive (opposite to defensive) manner, including spy attacks.

8.2 Members of the GTVA are under no circumstance allowed to attack another GTVA member.

8.3 Members are not allowed to attack in any form a member of a protected alliance. A protected alliance can be made protected under a treaty or non-aggression pact (NAP) by the diplomacy branch.

Alliances holding a treaty with the GTVA are shown the alliance page in OGame.

8.4 The Director of Intelligence for reasons of gathering information to protect the alliance may spy attack contrary to this rule for defensive reason

9.0 Head Hunting

9.1 Head hunting can pose a threat to the alliance. If a member head hunts for someone else, the enemy may target the alliance and retaliate. Therefore no member of the GTVA may head hunt for anyone outside the alliance without the permission of the Council. This rule only applies to our universe.

9.2 This includes head hunting from the OGame forums.

10.0 Starting Wars/Declaring Wars

10.1 No member of the alliance can knowingly start a war with another alliance without the permission of the council. If a member is to in any way provokes a war with another player or alliance, the alliance does not take any responsibility for those actions and may choose not to participate.

10.2 The alliance reserves the right in the event of an uncalled for proke from an alliance member, such as but not limited to acts of treason to surdender known information to the enemy about the offending player.

11.0 Trading, Borrowing and Pushing

11.1 The exchange of resources between one account and another account is seen as trading, borrowing or pushing.

11.2 Trading is the exchange of resources or units for something in return. Borrowing is the exchange of goods in the interest it will be returned. Pushing is the sharing of resources without the expectation it will be returned.

11.3 All trading, borrowing and pushing must be posted on the forums in a new thread per transaction. Both parties of the transaction are responsible for ensuring this post is made.

11.4 All transactions should be carefully made and the GTVA isn't liable for any failed to "bad" transactions. Members are advised to use caution when accepting and declining a transactions. Suspicious transactions should be reported on the forums for investigation.

12.0 Account Sitting

12.1 Account sitting is the "baby sitting" of another alliance member's account during the period of leave without permission. Account sitting is not allowed if a member is away without permission or presently seen as active.

12.2 All account sitting must be reported on the forums in the form of a new thread. Both parties of the deal are responsible for ensuring this post is made.

13.0 Reservations

13.1 The GTVA reserves the right to control access to its membership and member services including the website with or without warning, and with its own discretion. We provider not warranty or guarntee of any description.

13.2 The alliance may provide services to its members such as but not limited to forums and email services. We provide no service level agreement or warranty of availability and will not be liable for any type of loss. Services generally are provided free of charge and therefore and regardless, do not warrant it's provision.

13.3 All members by joining the alliance or accessing our services agree they have read and agreed to abide by:

    • alliance rules
    • all OGame agreements and policies
    • any conditions in place by providers

13.4 The GTVA will not be held responsible for breach of the above listed resulting in action against a players account in the interest of the alliance. All members are expected to comply with the OGame rules regardless.

13.5 These rules can be amended or added to at anytime without notice.

14.0 Rule Breachs

14.1 If a member knows or suspects a violation has occurred, they are to contact a member of the GTVA Council. All reports require the accompaniment of evidence to support the claim.

14.2 For a breach of the alliance or OGame rules, the Council may issue a punishment. These punishments may include, but are not limited to:

    • Forced transaction of resources (with or without interest)
    • Ban from the forums or access restrictions applied
    • Temporary banishment from the alliance
    • Permanent banishment and labelled traitor or enemy of alliance
15.0 Ogame Rules

15.1 Ogame has its own rules that govern all players of the game and they take precedence over the GTVA Rules. The current OGame rules.

14.3 Ogame's rules cover, but are not limited to:

    • I. Multi-Accounting
    • II. Account Sharing
    • III Account exchange
    • IV. Bashing
    • V. Pushing
    • VI. Moonchances
    • VII. Bugusing
    • VIII. Scripting
    • IX. Proxies
    • X. Abuse of rules and their applications
    • XI. Reallife threats
    • XII. Spam
    • XIII. Content
    • XIV. Language